USA Today Bestselling Author
Mary Hughes

I love to read. Romance, science fiction, mysteries, fantasy, historical fiction, non-fiction, you name it. So when I write it's paranormal romance with a mashup of as many genres as I can fit, fast-paced, smart, sizzling, and sometimes silly stories with sexy, quality men and the women who love them. Series are the Ancients, Biting Love, Pull of the Moon, and the Lovless Brothers.
These days I develop software to pay my rent on the planet, though in the past I've been a performing flutist (and piccolo, but we don't talk about that), a taekwondo teacher, and an insurance rater (we also don't talk about that). The USA Today Bestselling Author badge is courtesy of a lot of amazing authors banding together to produce Billionaire Ever After in 2017.
After a hard day slaving over a coding keyboard, I relax reading or watching whatever fun thing I can find on Netflix or YouTube, like Lucifer, Hot Ones, and Pitch Meeting. Suggestions for new binge materials welcome!
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